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BA-4000-L2 - BER tester with real traffic

Combined L1 BER tester and L2 traffic analyzer for 800G DR4/FR4/LR4 and 1.6T optical engines

Powerful 800G and 1.6T testing

EXFO’s BA-4000-L2 is a combined layer 1 BER tester and Ethernet (L2) traffic analyzer for 800G DR4/FR4/LR4 and 1.6T optical engines. It addresses the comprehensive testing requirements of 1.6T optical engines (100G electrical, 200G optical per lane), 800G transceivers (200G per lane), as well as DCO transceivers. The solution includes FEC testing (including FEC statistics), burst error detection and BER calculated from host to end for the industry’s most reliable measure of error when testing optical transceivers, including LPO devices.

Superior hardware design

Native electrical interface

Excellent signal quality

Clean eye diagram

Low error floor

Key features

Superior hardware design: native electrical interface, excellent signal quality, clean eye diagram and low error floor

Layer 2 framed testing: delivers a real system view for L1 device under test (DUT) from L2 framed traffic

Layer 1 BERT: excellent signal quality alongside layer 2 testing

Real-time FEC analysis: testing of pre/post FEC BER, symbol error distribution and FEC margin

Powerful equalizer and channel simulator: powerful equalizer includes CTLE, 32 taps FFE and DFE. Ideal for LPO transceivers

Layer 2 testing: tests 800G DR4/FR4/LR4/ZR with framed L2 traffic

Link training: provides adjustable TX and FFE weight to enable link training

Detection of burst errors: looks beyond the average level of bit error rate

Breakout cable testing: supports breakout cables testing scenarios including 8x 100G and 2x 400G
