Promotional videos Browse our library of promotional videos for a first-hand look at EXFO's products and solutions in action. Contact us Customer service Contact a sales representative Technical support Promotional videos Contact us Customer service Contact a sales representative Technical support Andrea Guglierame Introducing the BA-4000-L2, L1 BER tester and L2 traffic analyzer Romain Tursi Deploying PON? Test and know as you progress Anabel Alarcon Discover the industry’s first portable 800ZR test solution ! EXFO OTH-7000: meet our compact, cost-effective remote test unit EXFO Installing 5G: a day in the life of a field tech EXFO Planning and deploying 5G: see what it takes François Couny Comprehensive testing of integrated photonics from lab to fab François Couny Futureproof component testing platforms and tunable lasers EXFO How to streamline 5G network installation and maintenance EXFO Three UK teams up with EXFO to become the 1st mobile operator to run a full NFV network in Europe First page Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last page