Optical light sources
Discover EXFO’s broad range of optical light sources that cater to various testing requirements: singlemode or multimode, polarized or non-polarized, broadband or narrowband, tunable, ITU-wavelength-centered and much more. Essential building blocks for fiber testing, EXFO offers optical light sources with multiple wavelength options for component testing, R&D, manufacturing and field environments.
T200S - High-power continuously tunable laser
Faster and highly reliable testing for optical components, including photonic integrated circuits.

T500S - High-power continuously tunable laser
Faster and highly reliable testing for optical components, including photonic integrated circuits.

FiberBasix 50 - Handheld testers
FiberBasix 50 Handheld Testers deliver simple, accurate measurement of signal attenuation during fiber-optic cable installation.

FTBx-2150 - Fiber optic light source
Exceptional selection of single- or multi-wavelength, multimode LEDs and singlemode DFB lasers

FTBx-2250 - Broadband light source
Compact, rugged and highly reliable light source—an essential lab testing building block

FTBx-2850 - µITLA tunable light source
Continuous wave (CW), tunable laser with a high-power output, narrow linewidth and high-resolution tunability for coherent/OFDM transmission and WDM network emulation.

OSICS DFB CWDM - High-power laser diode modules
High-performance distributed feedback laser diodes that are perfect for CWDM network testing

The OSICS DFB LANWDM modules are high-performance distributed feedback laser diodes perfect for testing silicon photonics chips.

OSICS SLD - Broadband light source
Broadband light source with superluminescent light-emitting diodes that is ideal for optical component testing

OSICS T100 - External cavity tunable laser module
Stepped external-cavity tunable laser modules that cover all telecom wavelengths