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Vodafone New Zealand achieves world’s first live 400G deployment

Did you know that 17 terabits can mean up to 700,000 channels of 4K TV streaming at the same time or 100 million simultaneous phone calls? That’s what Vodafone New Zealand is now able to pump as traffic throughput on a single pair of fibres.

Thanks to EXFO’s industry-leading high speed test solutions, Vodafone New Zealand recently announced it has successfully deployed 400G links to future-proof its national transport network. The system will expand to medium-haul routes in September and Vodafone is planning a long-haul trial between New Zealand’s north and south islands in October.

Vodafone Technology Director Tony Baird said, “The meteoric rise of online video streaming, gaming and cloud computing has meant Kiwis [New Zealanders] are chomping through data at rates we’ve never seen before.”

“This investment is about ensuring our transport network is in great shape for today and ready for the future – it is an important step on the roadmap to 5G and for a stack of other exciting innovations across New Zealand’s sprawling fibre and high speed wireless networks. It also represents some of the most advanced technology in Vodafone New Zealand’s network, capable of carrying 44 x 400 gigabits of capacity across a single fibre pair,” Baird added.

The test solution behind all this

EXFO supported Vodafone’s 400G deployment by testing links using an advanced multiservice test solution–the FTBx-88200NGE Power Blazer, the market’s first test solution to offer integrated CFP4 and QSFP28 interfaces. This test solution offers a full suite of Ethernet and OTN test capabilities and covers a wide range of interfaces and rates. The test configuration included 4 x FTBx-88200NGE multiservice modules on the FTB-4 Pro platform and an OSA.

EXFO is proud to have enabled the deployment of Vodafone’s highly advanced data transport system by providing test solutions that are ready for a 400G world.

Read the full press release