From 400G to 800G: encoded FEC, the key enabler for next-gen transceivers.
- November 02, 2021
- 11:00AM ET
- 1 hour

With the increasing bandwidth needs of various cloud services, it is forecasted that data centers will continue to see a growth of 50% to 60% in bandwidth every year. As a result, the whole industry will rapidly outgrow the 400G era with the data rate of transceivers expected to double to 800G and 1.6T.
Designing and testing physical layer lanes for high-speed transmissions are typically the first steps in developing higher rate transceivers. Nevertheless, unframed PRBS testing is not enough once the manufacturers look for testing scenarios closer to the reality of data centers. Therefore, encoded FEC for testing with layer-2 traffic is required.
This webinar explores best practices in designing and testing emerging 800G pluggable optics.
Key takeaways:
- Main testing challenges around the migration from 400G to 800G
- Physical layer testing: paving the way for 800G standards
- Advanced FEC: key enabler for going beyond 400G
- BER testing, with 800G FEC Generator and Checker capabilities, using EXFO’s BA-4000