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Ten interesting facts about network outages

Network downtime is on the rise and we all know what that costs, so it stands to reason that having automated monitoring and performance solutions to deliver uniquely useful insights into your network’s performance metrics and vulnerability are critical.

Without tools like these, operators risk losing customers—who are more likely to switch providers than report a problem—as they waste time and money resolving critical outages and trouble tickets rather than preempting issues, ultimately foregoing precious revenue.

Given that only 1% of network events impacting subscribers are reported, why not make sure you have the visibility it takes to detect and prevent network outages before they impact your customers?

At EXFO, we offer the solutions you need to help you make smarter decisions and make your network more reliable. But first, here are 10 interesting facts you may not know about network outages:

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You may also be interested in our new podcast, “Know your network,” featuring thought-provoking conversations around key management challenges facing today’s carriers.