your smarter network in sight
Análisis de macrodatos
Centros de datos
Pruebas de Ethernet/IP
Fibra en todas partes
Acceso de cobre FTTx
Redes de alta velocidad
Internet de los objetos (IoT)
Laboratorio y fabricación
Infraestructura móvil
Supervisión de redes y servicios
Orquestación de pruebas
Tecnologías inalámbricas
Why “good enough” analytics just aren’t good enough anymore
Por Anssi Tauriainen
Why measuring your customer’s QoE is critical for a virtual network?
Por Anssi Tauriainen
Active versus passive assurance – are both needed, and why?
Por Claudio Mazzuca
Why active assurance needs to be part of the service—not the network
Por Michael Campbell
Risky Business: How Real Are Your Real-Time Analytics?
Por Sylvain Cornay
How to Minimize the Mean Time to Repair for an Optimized Quality of Experience
Por Sylvain Cornay
Mitigate Customer Churn: Harness the Power of End-to-End Service Experience Analytics
Por Sylvain Cornay
EXFO Sx Drive Test: Improving Two Mobile Operators’ QoE in Finland
Por Sylvain Cornay
Get it right to take OTT video services to the top
Por Sylvain Cornay
CSPs and the CEM Conundrum: How End-to-End Service Experience Is a Game Changer
Por Sylvain Cornay