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Refurbished EXFO products are qualified and calibrated when purchased.
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Products families

FTB portable test platforms
Introducing the foundation of EXFO’s FTB ecosystem—the FTB line of portable test platforms. Sharing a common Windows-based architecture, built-in and third-party software tools as well as multiple connectivity possibilities, each member brings its own specialty to frontline technicians, supertechs and network experts alike.
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Lab and manufacturing test platforms
From development to deployment, we have the solution.
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Tunable lasers for test & measurement (T&M) applications
Ideal for fast and reliable optical components testing, including photonic integrated circuits.
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D-series OTDR line
Building on industry-acclaimed expertise in OTDR testing, EXFO’s new D-series OTDRs come with a 3-year warranty and a unique combination of leading features.
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