Kabel-MSOs (Multiple System Operator)
Die Glasfaser dringt immer tiefer in die Netze ein. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Außendienstteams mit intelligenten Lösungen zur Automatisierung und Vereinfachung komplexer Routinen ausgestattet sind. Verbessern Sie alle Phasen Ihrer Servicebereitstellungskette (Entwicklung, Bereitstellung, Wartung und Fehlerbehebung), um die hohe Qualität der Erfahrung zu liefern, die von den heutigen Abonnenten erwartet wird.
Entdecken Sie unsere Lösungen für

Coarse wavelength-division multiplexing (CWDM) is used to increase the bandwidth of an optical fiber by multiplexing several wavelengths (or colors) onto it—just like dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM).
EXFO's solution to ensure smooth DWDM operation: inspection probes, OTDRs, power meters, dispersion testers and optical spectrum analyzers.
Ethernet business services
See how EXFO speeds up the carrier Ethernet testing process with solutions optimized for turn-up testing, baselining, troubleshooting, monitoring and SLA validation.
Fiber deep and distributed access architecture (DAA)
CATV and MSOs are upgrading their networks for DOCSIS 3.1 and FTTH by deploying fiber deep and DAA. Are you equipped to test fiber deeper in the network?
Fiber Monitoring
Stay in control of your optical fiber network availability and quality. Always.
High Speed technology is complex, testing shouldn’t be
Remote PHY and fiber deep
Remote PHY and fiber deep are now key as CATV and MSOs transform networks for DOCSIS 3.1 and FTTH/EPON. Is your fiber testing gear up to speed?