Even in its infancy, network functions virtualization (NFV) technology is being driven and adopted by MNOs around the world to reduce capital and operational expenditures by leveraging inexpensive commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware, and software-based network functions such as SBC and MME.
Although NFV promises significant benefits, even the staunchest advocates of NFV admit that realizing these benefits will be challenging. In fact, early lab trails have established that the NFV environment can be complex leading to unpredictable results.
To ensure reliability of NFV deployments, EXFO delivers high performance simulator load testing, protocol analysis and monitoring solutions. With EXFO test solutions for NFV MNOs can ensure the reliability, resiliency and predictability of their virtualized network function before and after deployment. It enables to overcome the NFV network adoption challenges and bring high-quality, innovative services faster to market.
EXFO value proposition for testing NFV networks
- Load testing of IMS and EPC virtual network functions (VNF)
- Ensuring high availability, reliability and predictability of end-to-end IMS and EPC NFV networks
- Validating complex NFV features such as elasticity, service chain, VM migration, multitenant, and coexistence of physical and virtual network functions