Also called OLAN or fiber-to-the-desktop, this GPON-based technology creates a very cost-effective local area network (LAN) with virtually unlimited capabilities.
Singlemode fibers all the way to the desktop and optical splitters replace the traditional CAT5/6 cables and active Ethernet switches providing considerable benefits to the network owners:
- CAPEX saving for cables and equipment
- OPEX saving from lower energy and cooling (Green technology)
- Space saving with fewer racks of equipment and no remote hubs
- Secure and reliable communications over fiber-optic cables
Rely on EXFO's FTTH expertise to test your POL networks
When GPON networks were first deployed in FTTH, EXFO was there to test them. Since then, we have continued to focus on providing innovative and industry leading test solutions that will help you to efficiently address the challenges of deploying your private LAN networks. Take advantage of EXFO’s FTTH/POL technology leadership and expertise to deliver high-performance networks—the easiest way.
Key testing considerations and solutions
Discover the EXFO solutions that best match these key POL testing considerations.
Connector endface cleanliness
What you should do: perform visual inspection to detect dirty/damaged connectors; clean them if required
The tool you need: fiber inspection probe
Fiber-link characterization
What you should do: look for anything potentially impacting total budget loss (dB), such as macrobends, splices,
bad connectors, fiber breaks, etc.
The tool you need: OTDR-based fiber tester
PON signals validation
What you should do: during service action, check for power level assessment of active components to validate signal levels for all services
The tool you need: pass-through PON power meter
Network documentation
What you should do: properly identify all fibers, test results and test reports
The tool you need: post processing software

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