The OSICS multifunction modular platform offers the most flexibility and the widest selection of pluggable modules required in fiber optic component and system testing, particularly for dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) system evaluations.
Up to eight pluggable modules can be mixed and matched in a single OSICS mainframe, thereby meeting all needs for applications requiring, for example, multi-wavelength sources.
OSICS features a complete line of modules including:
Compact tunable lasers
- OSICS T100: ultra-low SSE tunable external cavity lasers (step mode)
Compact transmission laser
- OSICS DFB: distributed feedback laser diodes for DWDM, CWDM and LAN-WDM transmission
Broadband light sources
- OSICS SLD: superluminescent light emitting diodes
Passive optical functions
- OSICS SWT: optical shutters and switches
- OSICS ATN-HP: high-power optical attenuators
- OSICS BKR: variable back reflectors
Ähnliche Produkte

OSICS T100 - External cavity tunable laser module
Stepped external-cavity tunable laser modules that cover all telecom wavelengths

OSICS ATN - High-power variable optical attenuator
Combining industry-standard attenuator components and a broad attenuation range, the OSICS ATN brings you the power to operate throughout a large wavelength range

OSICS BKR - Variable back reflector
Variable back reflector designed to measure the effects of back reflections (return loss) on transponder prototypes

OSICS SWT - Optical switches and shutters
The ideal optical switches and shutters for automating test setups in lab and manufacturing environments

OSICS DFB CWDM - High-power laser diode modules
High-performance distributed feedback laser diodes that are perfect for CWDM network testing

OSICS SLD - Broadband light source
Broadband light source with superluminescent light-emitting diodes that is ideal for optical component testing

The OSICS DFB LANWDM modules are high-performance distributed feedback laser diodes perfect for testing silicon photonics chips.