Ähnliche Produkte
MXS-9100 - MEMS matrix optical switch
Jointly developed with DiCon, this all-optical cross-connect technology is optimized for EXFO systems and software, providing fast protection switching at the fiber layer, automation of test sequences and instrument-grade performance.
T200S - High-power continuously tunable laser
Faster and highly reliable testing for optical components, including photonic integrated circuits.
T500S - High-power continuously tunable laser
Faster and highly reliable testing for optical components, including photonic integrated circuits.
OPAL-SD - Single-die semi-automated probe station
Entry-level, flexible, cost-effective and upgradeable. Automated optical alignment and test of photonic integrated circuits (PIC) with traceable results that can be queried. Manual positioning of die and electrical probes.
CTP10 - Passive optical component testing platform
Unrivaled passive optical component testing platform for WDM components and photonic integrated circuits