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Blades up!

Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technology is the future of wireless happening right now. However, LTE comes with its own set of challenges. LTE networks have to coexist seamlessly with legacy networks. They are “all-IP” and inherently more vulnerable to security attacks.  Meanwhile mobile data consumption continues on its exponential growth curve. That’s why before going live, LTE networks must be thoroughly tested for interoperability, security and performance under live network conditions.

But are testing solutions keeping pace with next-gen networks? Well, traditional lab testing tools won’t cut it anymore.

Next-gen lab testing solutions must be able to deal with the complexity of LTE technology, while handling extreme capacity and performance.  More specifically, next-gen lab testing must tightly integrate and concurrently test both the control- and user-planes. To do this, you’ll need high performance, high capacity control-plane and user-plane blades (or modules), working in unison. A two-sword samurai technique of sorts to ward off network outages and poor quality of service.

There’s no way around it if one is to simulate the wireless data traffic in a major city like New York or Tokyo.

To learn more about cutting-edge control- and user-plane blades, download our free whitepaper: Next-Gen Testing Solutions to Next-Gen Network Challenges