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Technology evolves at a rapid-fire pace. That’s why we’ve built an easy-to-use glossary to help you better understand the terms, technologies and trends that impact your business.

Unbalanced or tapered splitter

Unbalanced or tapered splitter

An unbalanced or tapered splitter in the context of the distributed tap architecture (DTA) refers to a splitter that doesn't split the optical signal equally. Instead, it takes off a smaller portion of the signal for a nearby customer and lets the larger portion continue down the line to serve other customers further away.

For instance, in a typical balanced splitter scenario, you might use a 1:2 splitter that divides the incoming signal evenly between two outputs. In contrast, an unbalanced splitter might take off only 10% (or another smaller percentage) of the signal for a nearby customer and allow the remaining 90% to continue on to serve other customers.

These splitters also introduce new complexity to measure loss as well as in the post-processing of reports.

Check out our flyer around these issues:

Losing your balance with tapered splitters?
Characterize, map and correlate link events automatically on reports to save time on your federally funded projects for rural deployments.